Which organization runs IMPORT Token?
Parent company to IMPORT Token is BCN B.V. We operate the Energy Prices platform since 2009.
Who can purchase and sell IMPORT Tokens?
Businesses worldwide and non-EU individuals are eligible to purchase IMPORT Tokens. IMPORT Tokens are not restricted to companies operating within supply chains connecting non-EU countries to the European Union.
What are the transaction fees?
Purchases of 100 IMPORT Tokens or fewer are processed through an online payment provider. A transaction fee of 4.90% applies, with a minimum charge of 5.00 euros. This fee covers costs incurred by the online payment provider.

For purchases exceeding 100 IMPORT Tokens, transactions are conducted via bank transfer. A 1.90% transaction fee applies, with a minimum charge of 15.00 euros. Banking fees are the responsibility of the buyer.

Surrendering (selling) IMPORT Tokens carries a flat fee of 15.00 euros.
What are your security measures?
IMPORT Token are not on a public ledger, making it impossible for unauthorized entities to 'move' your IMPORT Tokens away from your account. Furthermore, there are extensive measures to protect your account.
What is the lock-up period?
After a certain period, IMPORT Tokens are available for the client to surrender all, or a portion of the IMPORT Tokens in their account. This measure is both a security measure and one to prevent speculation.
Is VAT levied on IMPORT Tokens?
VAT is applied to companies located within the European Union, as they are considered a digital good.
How often is the price of the IMPORT Token updated?
At least once per week. The price of the IMPORT Token is updated and published within 48 hours of the source price (EU ETS / CBAM) update being published.
Does postponing the CBAM program have any impact on the IMPORT Token price?
This will not have an impact on its price. If the introduction of CBAM is postponed, IMPORT Token will continue to follow the price of EU Allowances, as it is determined independently on the EXX marketplace. The EU ETS auction mechanism was introduced in 2005 and has no end date.


Ceresstraat 13
4811 CA, Breda


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Beneficiary IBAN Country
  • BCN B.V.
  • NL36 ABNA 0141 4430 81
  • The Netherlands